We are pleased to announce that Klubb Group, aerial platform manufacturer has obtained the Positive Wokplace © CSR label following an audit conducted at the end of 2020 with its main stakeholders (employees, customers, suppliers, etc.). Developed from international standards (ISO 26,000 and ODD), Positive Workplace © (PWP) is a European CSR label. Its objective is to enable all companies, whatever their size, to progress in their Sustainable Development strategies.
The results of the audit highlighted strengths that particularly characterize the Group:
– “The products, quality of service and commitment are acclaimed by customers.”
– “Its employees are attached to the Group and a family spirit emerges.”
– “The Group’s suppliers have testified through surveys of a high level of attachment and commitment to Klubb.”
– “KLUBB, aerial platform manufacturer has been able to combine two complex concepts to bring together: business dynamism and resilience.”
“For this first labeling, we obtained a maturity level of 2 stars out of 3 stars maximum. This only strengthens our determination to progress in our CSR actions.” declares Julien Bourrellis, president of Klubb Group; “Accompanied by the PWP team, we have put in place a concrete action plan based on performance indicators such as the carbon footprint and clear progress objectives, which we undertake to communicate regularly to our stakeholders.”
“I would like to warmly thank all of our employees, customers and suppliers who responded to the survey and enabled us to carry out this audit in order to improve together in our societal and environmental approach.”