The Klubb K26 van mounts : a great model to meet with the needs of most of the installation and maintenance companies for telecommunications, street lighting,CCTV…
The K26 is a bucket van model with telescopic boom allowing you to reach up to 11.80m working height and 6.80m outreach, without outriggers with a 1 person basket in order to work faster.

The clients also have the possibility to combine the use of the van as a mobile workshop and the use of the platform in order to work at height. Moreover, the van is a secured space that can be locked and ensure the security of the equipment inside.
This telescopic aerial device can be mounted on cutaway van as you can see in the picture to be even more compact and parks easily in cities.
The K26 platform is compatible with most van types and models: Renault, Peugeot, Opel, Iveco, Mercedes Volkswagen, Ford… So the choice is yours!
This model can be operated with the van engine turned off using KLUBB’s Green Pack technology, which saves fuel and protects the environment.
To go even further in the green side, the K26 can be mounted on the cut-away Renault Master ZE. This 100% electric model is designed to combine work performance in height and ease of use.
As a conclusion the K26 van mounts is a multifunctional model able to meet with the needs of most of the installation and maintenance companies for telecommunications, street lighting,CCTV… particularly if they are meant to work in an urban environment.
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